WIFTI Worldwide Webinar
“Men as Passionate Feminists”

28 Marzo 2021

Tornano i webinars made in WIFT International! Lunedì 29 marzo Tsiako Abesadze, WIFTI incontra Wade Channell, USAID per parlare di stereotipi maschili e ruoli antiquati da ricostruire.


Wade Channell è il Senior Economic Growth Advisor for Gender per la USAID, la US Agency for International Development.


Tsiako Abesadze è una produttrice georgiana, la co-fondatrice di WIFT Causaus e un board member di WIFT International.


L’incontro si svolgerà in lingua inglese. Iscrizione obbligatoria.


“Men as Passionate Feminists” 

March 29, 12pm EST / 6pm CE


How can we articulate and challenge the role of men in fighting gender inequality? How can we dismantle bygone ideals of masculinity and femininity? 

How can we engage men to address the dysfunctional and toxic concepts of masculinity that drive and maintain women’s inequalities?


Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Jptxdm_0SAyLlP29DEeiew 




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