Writing the next
chapter together
Who we are and what we strive for
A non-profit association created in Los Angeles in the 1970’s, Women in Film, Television & Media Italia (WIFTMI) was formed in Italy in 2018 and has quickly become a point of reference for the audiovisual and media industries.
WIFTMI aims to promote gender parity while confronting the existing prejudices that exist across the world of multimedia. The association strives to encourage and incentivize cultural change through the positive and diversified representation of women on screen and behind the camera.
WIFTMI understands the power that moving images have on society and we believe that media has the ability to influence behaviors, belief systems and to shape the vision of the world.
With these goals in mind, we’ve created a network of professionals who foster dialogue and cultural change while striving to stimulate changes in the professional a social roles women play on screen and in our world.
Representing women on screen
Media often portrays stereotypical and one-dimensional characterizations of females. Often it reflects what traditional society expects of women, as opposed to the varied realities women face today. Because WIFTMI understands the industry’s role in shaping culture, we intend to dedicated energy and attention to amplify the female narrative in order to expand storytelling and offer a more diversified, rich and balanced view of the world.
Dialogue as a means of change
WIFTMI is not just a network for women. We believe that progress comes only when we all sit at the same table. Gender parity can only be achieved by collaboration, participation and cooperation. WIFTMI endeavors to be an instrument for interaction and dialogue – both professionally and socially. To bring everyone – men women and non-binary – together for a greater understanding of the female perspective and the roles women play in the world.
The future we envision
We imagine a new community of creators, ideas and stories… all working to turn out interesting content from varying points of view. We look for inclusive, safe and non-discriminatory work places to light the way for artistic projects and commercial innovations where women hold key positions.
We know that to reach this goal, we don’t just need to take a step forward… we need to make a veritable quantum leap. Male and female stereotypes are deeply rooted in our culture, and have endured since the beginning of time. Closing the gender gap in our society will require a collective shift in consciousness within our sector. It will demand efforts from both private industry and public institutions. It will require a united front from men and women working together across the globe to put an end to disparity and to embark on a balanced and successful new future for all.
Marzia Macchiarella
Consigliera | Co-Responsabile Area DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion)
Professionista della comunicazione e dei media, specializzata anche nell'area Diversity, Equity & Inclusion e nel Disability Management. In oltre due decenni di esperienza nel settore, ha ricoperto diversi ruoli e...
Research Area
Research Area
This team is dedicated to studying the sector to gather insights, analysis and quantitative data.
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Skill building Area
Skill building Area
This team is aimed at developing projects and initiatives for all levels of education in addition to professional betterment for our members.
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Institutional Relations Area
Institutional Relations Area
This team focuses on promoting gender parity within the public sector – both nationally and internationally.
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Events and Communication Area
Events and Communication Area
This team promotes WiFT & M through online and life events, insuring proper coverage and positioning.
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Act of incorporation of Women in Film, Television & Media Italia