Variety’s Power of Women 2022

28 Maggio 2022

Si è svolto lo scorso 5 maggio l’annuale appuntamento newyorchese Variety’s Power of Women, che ha visto premiate Topeka K. Sam, Drew Barrymore, Kim Cattrall, Camila Cabello, Queen Latifah e Amanda Seyfried.


Le premiate hanno rivolto parole importanti al pubblico dell’evento, all’industria e alla società in primo luogo statunitense.


Vi invitiamo a scoprire le loro parole:


Camila Cabello, Queen Latifah Urge Action on Roe v. Wade Threat – Variety


Queen Latifah on Women Uniting: ‘When We Stand Together There Is Nothing More Potent’


Amanda Seyfried Stands Up for Refugees and Abortion Rights at Power of Women: ‘We Need to Be the Unstoppable Force’


Drew Barrymore Praises ‘Scrappy People,’ Urges Everyone to ‘Get Down on the God Damn Floor’ and Help


Camila Cabello Hails Therapy, Calls for ‘Reproductive Justice’ in Powerful Speech


Kim Cattrall Delivers a Defiant Speech About Choosing Her Own Destiny



Photo Credit : George Chinsee for Variety



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